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Advice Centre News

News and trends from the construction and homeowners market with updates from the Checkatrade team

Is football coming to your home? Tips on how to football-proof your home from professionals

From footprints on the carpet to beer on the ceiling, hosting can be tricky and often messy. We spok...

Unfinished business: homeowners living with imperfections and issues for up to five years

The study of 2,000 British homeowners2 revealed people typically put up with these household niggles...

Three in five homeowners to undertake a home ‘tweakment’ over a big renovation*

New research out from Checkatrade reveals how Brits are refusing to sacrifice home improvements desp...

When to call in the experts

There are benefits to doing DIY. It keeps costs down and can be immensely satisfying. Plus, with You...

Checkatrade’s Q1 Job Price Index

Our new Job Price Index explores how the price of home improvement is changing, based on the prices ...

1 in 5 homeowners have fallen victim to rogue trades

New research1 from Checkatrade has revealed that 1 in 5 (21%) British homeowners have been victims o...

See you at FIT Show 2022

Going to FIT as a VIP is what got your attention, wasn’t it? If you’re a member, it̵...

Drilling into the detail: What’s happening with job prices?

What is happening to the cost of home improvement? Whether it’s food, energy or the cost of toppin...

Checkatrade’s Q4 Job Price Index

Our new Job Price Index explores how the price of home improvement is changing, based on the prices ...

See you at UK Construction Week London (UKCW)

It was being a VIP at the UK Construction Week that got your attention, wasn’t it? If you̵...

New app feature: Control your lead flow with ‘Availability’

It’s no secret that tradespeople are busier than ever. Homeowners have been keen to renovate t...

Building Safety Bill summary 2022

What is the Building Safety Act 2022? The Building Safety Act was created after the Grenfell Tower t...